
How To Clean Paint Brushes Without Paint Thinner

How Do You Clean Oil Paint Brushes Without Paint Thinner? This is a common question by DIY painters peculiarly the beginners, sometimes, the experienced too. It'due south an interesting question that I desire to address in this article. So please stay with me.

Oil-based pigment is the most challenging paint type to remove from painting tools. You can get it off quickly while it'south still fresh on the brush; nevertheless, you'll need a powerful solvent to dissolve it one time it dries.

The most common solvent used to clean pigment brushes is paint thinner because it serves the purpose quickly and efficiently. However, it also produces highly toxic fumes that can crusade severe health implications.

You may experience light headaches and nausea when exposed to it for a brusque time and muscle weakness or bone marrow damage upon daily exposure. Paint thinner is besides flammable, so you have to be careful where you employ it and how you lot dispose of it. In short, how practise you clean oil pigment brushes without paint thinner?

Method 1: Using Oils

Using oils to clean oil-based paint may seem counterintuitive, but this method is very effective.

Fresh oil volition envelop the stale paint on your paintbrushes, softening it for easier removal. One time that happens, you can easily wipe the bristles clean, then wash the paintbrush with lather and h2o to ensure no oils remain.

Painters commonly use linseed oil and baby oil to make clean their tools because they are both eco-friendly, unlike some oils, and they volition non stain your easily.

Furthermore, they are gentle on your skin and the brush bristles, then you will non accept to worry about harming yourself or damaging your painting tools.

Even though these oils are safe, I recommend wearing gloves whenever you utilise them to clean paintbrushes. Reason being once the dried oil paint softens, it regains its ability to leave stains on surfaces, which include your hands.

Follow the procedure beneath to clean oil paint brushes with oils.

Step 1: Remove Excess Pigment From the Brush

Before dipping your paintbrush in oil, remove equally much paint from it as possible. Doing this will reduce the amount of color you have to make clean with the oil making your job more manageable.

  • Utilize a rag or newspaper towel to squeeze out the paint from the castor'southward ferrule toward the tip. Make sure to exist as gentle as possible to avoid pulling out the bristles from the base.

Footstep 2: Dip the Castor Into a Jar of Oil

Pour some linseed oil or infant oil into a disposable jar, then put your paintbrush in the oil. The goal is to ensure that the oil gets to all the paint particles, and you can guarantee this by swishing the castor lightly in the oil jar. You can also use your fingers to piece of work the oil into the bristles.

Pace three: Wipe the Brush On a Rag or Crude Paper Towel

  • Move the castor back and along on a rough paper towel – the same move you employ when painting. Y'all can besides wrap the paper towel around the paintbrush, then clasp lightly. These actions volition button out the pigment from the castor, and y'all will encounter the towel getting dirtier by the infinitesimal.
  • Move to a cleaner area of the rag when ane part gets too muddied, and use fresh oil whenever your dipping oil gets saturated with paint.
  • Yous can also use a paintbrush rummage to make clean the heart bristles and ensure that no paint remains at the edge of the ferrule.

Information technology is hard to get to all the paint with just one round of wiping, so repeat the process by dipping your brush into the oil, swishing, and then wiping until all the color comes off.

Step 4: Wash With Soap and Warm Running Water

Subsequently all the paint comes off, you can clean your brushes with regular soap and warm water.

  • Start by lathering the brush with some dish soap, and so massage information technology into the beard to break down the oil you used for cleaning.
  • Rinse the brush under running h2o to affluent out the oils and any remaining colour.
  • Go along lathering and rinsing until the brush gets clean and the h2o runs clear.
  • Afterward, use a clean paper towel to soak upwardly the water in the bristles, then exit your brush to airdry overnight.

Method ii: Using Citrus Solvent

The citrus solvent is the best replacement for paint thinner. It possesses all the chemic potency of paint thinner, but it is much safer on the surroundings and your health in general.

Manufacturers make citrus solvent by extracting citrus-skin oil from oranges and mixing it with two% h2o. They do not add any additives, emulsions, or surfactants that make paint thinners equally potent every bit they are. Here's how to use citrus solvent to make clean your paintbrushes:

  • Afterward you cease painting, wipe your brush on the edge of the paint container to remove excess product. Afterward, wipe information technology on a rag to be more thorough.
  • Next, pour some citrus solvent into a bowl, so gently run your castor through information technology back and forth to loosen the paint. You lot can as well wipe the paintbrush along the bottoms and sides of the container or apply a brush comb to get off the colour.

Yous can utilize multiple bowls of citrus solvent to become rid of stubborn oil paint. Start past dipping the brush, then swirling it in 1 tin of citrus solvent to become off most of the colour.

Echo in more separate containers until the paintbrush becomes clean. (this is a very wasteful method, so simply utilise it if you lot have several brushes to clean and don't mind using too much solvent)

  • Once all the pigment comes off, rinse the brush under running water to remove all traces of the solvent. Next, put a fiddling soap on the paintbrush, massage it gently into the beard, and so rinse information technology thoroughly.
  • Once the brush gets make clean, blot it with a newspaper towel to remove excess water. Finally, reshape the bristles, and leave the tool to airdry overnight.

 Method 3: Using Oil Lather or Pinkish Lather

There is so much uncertainty amid painters on whether soap and h2o are constructive plenty to clean oil paintbrushes. Most people lean towards avoiding this method, while others insist that you utilize it only at the end of other cleaning methods.

Water past itself cannot dissolve oil-based pigment. When yous dip an oil brush in a basin of water, information technology volition form beads around the bristles without affecting the color.

So to clean oil paint successfully using water, you need a medium that will interruption downwards the paint beginning to go far easy to wash away with water – this is where soap comes in.

Pinkish soap is a product that cleans oils efficiently, and so painters use information technology widely for cleaning oil paintbrushes. You can also use whatever other oil lather to clean your tools, provided the pigment is still fresh, and yous follow the procedure below.

  • Start by removing any excess pigment on your castor by wiping information technology over a rag or rough paper.
  • Next, pour some pink soap into a jar. Make certain that it is enough to cover every inch of the bristles when y'all dip your brush in it.
  • Let the paintbrush soak in the soap for three to five minutes, then massage the bristles to get the paint off.
  • Rinse the brush under a faucet to remove the soap and the color. If some paint remains, soak the paintbrush in the lather for a few more than minutes and rinse it again. Repeat the procedure until the faucet water runs clear.
  • Finally, pat the bristles dry with a paper towel, and allow your paintbrush to airdry.

Is Paint Thinner the Aforementioned equally Mineral Spirits?

Pigment thinner serves the same purposes as mineral spirits, just the ii are different. Information technology is a blanket term for all the solvents that painters utilize to thin oil pigment before awarding and clean painting tools after finishing a project.

On the other mitt, mineral spirits are a type of pigment thinner. We classify them among other paint-thinning solvents such as turpentine, toluene, naphtha, and acetone.

So, you can apply "paint thinner" to refer to mineral spirits, but you lot cannot say "mineral spirits" every bit a full general term for paint thinners.

Confusing the two products results from painters preferring to utilise mineral spirits more than the other solvents. The more than they worked with it, the more than they interchanged the ii terms for each other.

At present, you cannot mention pigment thinner without mineral spirits coming up. Only what's so special about mineral spirits?

Mineral spirits are heavily refined petroleum distillates. Manufacturers eliminate all Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfur in petroleum, creating a less toxic solvent than other paint thinners.

The refined distillate produces fewer fumes, and there are "odorless" versions on the market place, which is a plus for respiratory health. Moreover, oil paints thinned with mineral spirits tend to dry into a smoother coat than those thinned with other solvents.

On the downside, mineral spirits are more expensive than other paint thinners. A container of pure mineral spirits can price upward to 50% more, but it is worth it.

Tin You lot Use Vegetable Oil To Clean Oil Pigment Brushes?

Image of paint brushes. So, How Do You Clean Oil Paint Brushes Without Paint Thinner?Yous can use vegetable oil to cleanse oil paintbrushes, but I recommend only using it at the very end of your projection.

Using oil to clean pigment brushes is an fantabulous method, but whichever oil yous cull should be appropriate for the indicate where your projection stands. Y'all tin can utilize sure oils when you are in the centre of your project, while others are more suitable for the very finish. Here'southward why:

There are two standard types of oils – drying oils and non-drying oils. Drying oils become thick and difficult whenever you expose them to air for a while. Some of the well-nigh mutual ones include linseed oil, walnut oil, tung oil, etc.

On the other manus, non-drying oils remain liquid even when exposed to the air. Furthermore, you tin easily clean them upwards with soap and water. The most common non-drying oils include vegetable oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc.

Whatever oil you utilize to make clean your oil paintbrushes will probable stop up on your surface, mainly if yous are in the centre of your projection. So if you use a non-drying oil such as vegetable oil, information technology will mix with your paint when you resume your project.

Consequently, the oil will impede the drying of your paint and ruin your finish which may crusade you to outset over. So vegetable oil is best left for cleaning tools after finishing your project.

Can You Store Oil-Based Paint Brushes Overnight?

You lot can store oil paint brushes overnight, provided you lot take the proper measures to keep the oil paint from drying on the beard. You can go along color from drying your brushes by wrapping them in cling film then storing them in a cool, dry place overnight.

This method will assist keep the pigment on the beard fresh if yous are too tired to make clean your brushes immediately after a project.

Still, I recommend cleaning your oil brushes before storing them to go along the bristles in practiced shape. If y'all allow oil paint to dry out on them, you will have to deal with the post-obit problems:

  • You volition have to use a lot of free energy to get the dried oil pigment off the brushes because oil-based paint becomes very hard after it dries.
  • When removing the dried paint, the extra force you apply may cause the brush bristles to bend, break or flay outwards. Once this happens, you volition have to purchase new oil paintbrushes.
  • Even if the bristles do non bend or break, they will become fragile, and fragile brush beard produce poor paint finishes.

What Exercise You Practice With Oil Paint Brushes Between Coats?

Oil-based paint takes too long to dry, so nosotros recommend waiting for at least 24 hours before applying a 2nd coat. During that waiting time, your oil paint brushes are at hazard of drying out, and some painters often launder them to preclude that from happening.

Washing oil paint brushes between coats of paint is non a bad idea, just it is very tedious. It takes a lot of time; hence, y'all will be giving yourself actress piece of work on top of your project.

Furthermore, if y'all intend to apply multiple coats, yous will have to clean the brushes numerous times, which is a sure way of ruining your tools.

Since you are still in the centre of your painting project, I recommend keeping the paint on the brush fresh until your surface is fix for another glaze.

The best way to keep the colour fresh is by freezing the tools – the cold temperature will slow down evaporation, keeping the oil pigment from drying out. Here's how to do it:

  • When you finish applying the offset glaze, run your paintbrush on the edge of the opening of the paint container to remove excess product.
  • Next, carefully wrap the bristles with a clear cling moving picture, ensuring no strand remains uncovered.
  • Put the wrapped brush in a freezer pocketbook, press it to get out equally much air equally possible, and put it in your freezer until your first coat dries.
  • Afterwards the 24 hours are upwards, accept your painting supplies out of the freezer 30 minutes before you resume painting to allow them thaw naturally. Nonetheless, don't exit them out for too long considering they may start drying. If you don't accept plenty time to allow them thaw naturally, y'all can put the brushes in hot water for some time to speed up the procedure.


  1. Practice not remove the brushes from the freezer bag if you go with the hot water method. The heat may thaw the pigment, but it will also ruin your brushes upon direct contact.
  2. Never freeze the main paint container considering the paint will freeze and alter its consistency which won't exist ideal for your project.

How Practise Yous Keep Oil Pigment Brushes Wet?

Sometimes, you may demand to have a few breaks during a project. You lot must keep your oil paint brushes moisture during the time off to avoid whatever problems when you choice up from where you left off.

If it is a short break that will accept you five or ten minutes, stick your paintbrush dorsum into the paint container and leave it at that place. But if your rest will accept an 60 minutes or more than, it is best to put the oil brushes in a saucepan of water.

It may seem odd to put oil paintbrushes in h2o to keep them moisture – especially since I've been discouraging water use throughout this article. Don't get me wrong; I only dissuade yous from using water to make clean oil paint brushes considering information technology won't go the job done correctly.

Since water and oil pigment exercise not mix, it is the perfect manner to keep your brushes wet without interfering with your oil paint. The water volition interrupt the oxygen supply to the color, and so the paint will not oxidize and dry out.

When you're fix to resume, have your brush out of the water, wipe it off on scrap wood to remove the moisture and then proceed with painting.

You tin can keep the tools in water for up to 1 week. After that, the slime volition commencement to grow in the water and eventually on your brushes. So if you want to go out your painting tools in the h2o for longer, ensure that y'all keep the water fresh by changing the water regularly.

How To Make clean Oil Paint Brushes Betwixt Colors

If y'all are painting with unlike colors, but you but take one brush, y'all will have to clean it during every color modify. You will likewise have to exercise it fast so that your project does not stay dormant for also long.

You lot can use paint thinner for this task because information technology will quickly remove all traces of the first color. However, exist careful not to leave too much solvent on the brush, as it volition sparse out the starting time few strokes of paint you put on the surface.

If pigment thinner is not an choice for y'all, you lot can use drying oils like linseed or walnut oil to clean the brushes. These products piece of work well when cleaning oil paint brushes, but they have longer than solvents to have the color off.

Furthermore, you lot will demand specialized brush cleaning equipment to ensure that all the colour comes off in the curt fourth dimension you have.

The iii must-have brush cleaning tools are the metal brush washer, brush comb, and paintbrush spinner. These pieces of equipment brand cleaning oil pigment brushes faster and easier. Moreover, they reduce the risk of ruining your tools as you clean them.

  1. Metal Castor Washer

A brush washer is a small tank that you fill up with a solvent or oil that you can utilise to clean oil paintbrushes. They come in several capacities ranging from 200ml up to 2 liters, then you can cull 1 according to the castor size you take.

Brush washers also come with a removable wire mesh that you set up in the tank. So when you lot rub your brush confronting the mesh, it dislodges the colour in the bristles, leaving your painting tool clean.

Furthermore, the mesh doesn't bear upon the tank's bottom, and then all the sediment from your brush will sink to the bottom. This manner, the elevation of your cleaning medium volition stay cleaner for longer, which is great when cleaning oil paint brushes between colors.

  1. Castor Rummage

A paintbrush comb looks like a tail comb made of metallic, and information technology has sturdier bristles. Most of them are multipurpose, having one side with "teeth" for cleaning brushes and the other side slightly curved for cleaning paint rollers.

These tools work well to safely separate the paintbrush beard when cleaning and remove pigment residual from the brush's head to the tip.

  1. Paintbrush Spinner

A paintbrush spinner does what its name says – information technology spins the brush afterward cleaning to get rid of excess cleaning solvent and any remaining paint trapped in the bristles. You tin can rotate your brushes by mitt, but yous can make the work even faster and easier with a spinner.

So, how do you utilize all these tools to clean oil paint brushes between colors?

  • Start past filling the metal brush washer with a cleaning medium and and so ready the removable wire mesh.
  • Side by side, dip your dirty oil brush into the washer and rub it at the bottom to remove some pigment. Use the brush comb to ensure that yous get to the color between each bristle, and repeat these deportment until all the paint comes off.
  • Finally, fix your castor on the castor spinner and work information technology to remove the solvent yous used, then resume painting with your new color.

What Does A Pigment Thinner Do?

A paint thinner breaks down the binders holding the pigments of oil-based paint, primers, and stains. Consequently, the paint'due south viscosity reduces, making it easy to use when yous need to work with a thinner product. It also makes thick paint easy to apply in sprayer applicators.

Since paint thinner dissolves pigment, you can employ information technology to remove the stain on brushes and rollers and clean up paint spills. Furthermore, It can restore hardened paint in a container acquired past leaving it open for a long time.

  • Why Shouldn't Y'all Use a Paint Thinner?

Paint thinner is unrefined petroleum meaning it has high levels of Volatile Organic Compounds. When it evaporates, its vapors build up slowly in the space y'all are working, particularly with poor ventilation.

Exposure to pigment thinner vapor can take adverse effects on your health depending on how long and how often you get exposed to information technology. A footling exposure tin crusade minor brusque-term effects such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, etc. Upon long-term exposure, you tin can experience musculus weakness, multi-organ toxicity, and eventually decease.

Health effects aside, paint thinner is as well highly flammable, so you must use it away from flames or sparks and ensure that y'all dispose of it properly. Avert pouring information technology downwardly drains to preclude the toxic elements from leaking into the environment or polluting groundwater.

Paint thinner as well produces a foul olfactory property that is hard to ignore and causes pare and centre irritation. So ensure that y'all wear protective gear such as coveralls, goggles, a mask, and gloves whenever y'all are using pigment thinner.

Different Brush Cleaning Tips

We know that cleaning your paintbrushes is a crucial step afterwards painting; however, you will do more harm than good to your brushes without proper cleaning techniques. The following are a few things y'all should keep in listen whenever y'all clean your paintbrushes:

  1. Launder your brushes immediately. If you permit your paintbrushes sit later finishing your project, the paint will dry out on the beard. It will also harden on the brush's base near the ferrule, making information technology hard to remove.
  2. Never use shellac remover, lacquer thinner, or acetone to make clean your paintbrushes. These solvents can dissolve the adhesives that hold the brush beard in place, rendering your brush useless.
  3. Ever ensure that yous remove all the paint from the brush every time you lot clean it. If you keep leaving picayune $.25 of paint particles, they will accrue every bit dry paint and stiffen the brush beard over time.
  4. Practice non permit your dirty brushes soak in solvent for also long. Submerging them for extended periods volition cause the wooden handle to crack and weaken the adhesive property the bristles in place.
  5. Avoid using metal scrubbing brushes to clean your paintbrushes. They are likewise aggressive on the beard, so stick to a brush comb instead.
  6. Never store your paintbrushes with the bristles down because they volition curve eventually. Instead, keep them upright, standing on their handles because they are sturdier.
  7. E'er reshape the castor bristles after washing your tools to maintain their original shape.
  8. When cleaning, don't hold your brush upside downward considering the water volition push button tiny pigment particles down into the ferrule.

Hither's How to Clean Oil Paint Brushes Without Using Solvents:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions that you will likely interact with effectually the subject:

  • Tin can You Apply Rubbing Alcohol To Clean Oil Paint Brushes?

You can use rubbing alcohol to clean your brushes, but I do not recommend information technology. Rubbing alcohol is harsh on castor hairs, particularly natural-hair bristles. It dries them out, so you lot will have to status the strands to proceed them in expert course.

  • How Do You Restore One-time Paintbrushes?

You can utilize white vinegar to revive your dried-out paintbrushes. Soak the brushes in some vinegar in a saucepan for about one hour. Next, heat the saucepan on a stove and allow the tool simmer in the vinegar for a few minutes.

Later, rinse your revived brushes with running water, reshape the bristles, and let the brush dry.

  • Can I Utilise Vegetable Oil To Clean Oil Paintbrushes?

Yes, you can use vegetable oil or other non-drying oils such every bit olive oil or mineral oil to clean oil paint brushes. Nevertheless, I recommend using these oils only at the finish of your project considering they may interfere with drying your oil pigment.

  • How Practice You Clean Oil Paint Brushes Without Paint Solvents?

To avert solvents, you can use oils to make clean your oil paintbrushes. Kickoff by putting your dingy brushes in a jar, then pour baby oil, linseed oil, or olive oil on them to embrace the beard only.

Next, classy the paintbrush in the oil for about 30 seconds to loosen the pigment, then wipe the brush on a paper towel. Repeat the procedure until all the color comes off, then launder the brush with lather and running water.

  • What Tin can I Use Instead Of Paint Thinner?

You tin can use citrus solvent every bit a substitute for paint thinner. Information technology is gentle on the environs considering manufacturers excerpt its oils from orange peels. Furthermore, it produces less odor; hence, it causes fewer respiratory and peel irritations than paint thinner.


Oil-based paint requires strong solvents to remove it from painting tools. The most mutual solvent used for this task is pigment thinner, but it has severe health effects and is harmful to the environment. So,

How Do You Make clean Oil Paint Brushes Without Pigment Thinner?

You can employ linseed oil, infant oil, or vegetable oil to remove oil paint from your brushes. Y'all can also utilize pink lather or oil soap, but citrus thinner is the safest on the market if you adopt solvents.

Even though oils make clean the brushes properly, you can just employ each of them at specific points in your projection. Y'all can utilise drying oils such equally linseed oil and walnut oil in the middle or at the end of your project, simply non-drying oils like vegetable oil and the olive oil only work best for the terminal cleaning steps.


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